UAP is collecting adjunct pay data from across the Philadelphia region to create access to transparent pay comparison data!

Average pay for adjunct faculty in the Philadelphia region is currently:
$1,600 per credit

YOU can help make the data below robust and reliable! Please add your adjunct pay info from any Philadelphia-area schools on our survey form at this link!
If you teach at any of the highlighted schools on the chart below, we especially need your information!

Regional average pay
Schools with a union contract: $1,628/credit
Non-union schools*: $1,392/credit

Regional minimum pay
Schools with a union contract: $1,029/credit
Non-union schools: $680/credit!

*for the purposes of this analysis we have excluded UPenn from this calculation.


Data is up to date as of the date at the top of the Chart. Data points are collected from both individual reporting, and UAP research on existing Union Contracts.

Schools highlighted need more data reported! Report your data here!

Schools with a Union Contract are noted in the chart and a link provided to the Contract when possible. Bolded minima are guaranteed minima as per the Union Contract at that school. Contact us if you are getting paid less than this!

Drexel University operates on 10-week quarter system. All other schools listed have a typical 14-16 week semester.

Want more data for your school, like average class size, or pay for studio vs lecture courses? Email us here!